

No. 50 Vol. 1Since 2018 A.D.Price: 0/0d


Writ, or the blog. This is where thransplaining is done.

The writ is split into a multitude of sections for easier perusal. Below is each category with its most recent articles listed:

Latest in writsections


Software development updates and stories of interest to techies. See all devlog (11 total).

How Did I Do

How I did a variety of things. Tutorials. See all How Did I Do (4 total).

Sensible Ramblings

Opinion pieces on a variety of topics: Computing, Privacy, Self-Ownership, Freedom. See all Sensible Ramblings (14 total).


Short stories, creative writing, updates on such like works. See all Tales (1 total).


Reviews and analysis of the themes present in various media. See all Thranalysis (6 total).


Assorted anecdotes and tales of events. See all Yarns (14 total).

Writ Tags

Another way to sift the writ...

2007 (1) 2010 (1) aesthetics (1) alternative culture (2) americanisms (1) apple (1) atheism (1) belfast (3) bible (3) bitcoin (1) britain (3) buildings (1) business (1) carrickfergus (1) christianity (3) chrome (1) command-line (2) computing (6) concerts (2) coronation 2023 (1) cryptocurrency (1) culture (1) danders (4) design (2) desktop (2) development (1) discoveries (1) economics (1) education (2) ethics (3) finance (1) fluxbox (1) food (1) for-great-justice (1) fun (2) gadgets (1) gbv (1) google (1) government (3) grammar (1) graphics (1) guided-by-voices (1) hackery (1) hacks (1) happenings online (1) humour (1) internet (1) internet culture (1) internet freedom (1) iphone (1) ireland (1) javascript (1) language (3) linguistics (1) linux (5) literature (4) lotr (3) lyricism (1) macintosh (1) meaning (1) meta (1) microsoft (1) mishaps (2) modern-woes (9) monarchism (1) mountaineering (1) movies (1) music (5) netlore (1) no-wei (1) northern ireland (3) old paths (1) open-hardware (1) perl (5) philosophy (1) photos (4) pine64 (1) poetry (1) privacy (2) programming (2) quips (2) railways (2) release (4) religion (5) retrocomputing (1) retrospective (2) reviews (2) rsru (3) satire (2) school days (1) screenshot-showcase (2) shell (1) society (2) software (1) stories (1) surveillance (2) sysadmin (2) themes (1) thransoft (4) told-from-outside (1) told-from-the-household (2) told-from-the-past (5) travel (2) trololo (1) twitter (1) unsociable media (2) virtue (1) void linux (1) web (3) wildlife (1) windows (2) wisdom (1) witnessed-outside (4) wmw (1) work (1) youth (1)