

No. 50 Vol. 1Sun 28 November 2021Price: 0/0d

Announcing RSRU R2

pointing finger devlog >> Sun 28 November 2021 by Thran >> Last updated 2022-04-05

Thransoft is a catalogue site generator written in Perl. R2 has now been released. Hurray!

NOTE: This is an old release with a few annoying bugs (most obviously pagination problems). See the details for the latest release here: RSRU R3 Details. This latest release fixes these bugs.

R2 (27/11/2021)

Bugs fixed:

  • Entries on homepage are generated only if there are enough
  • Date output is correctly formatted (was US, now UK format)
  • Template layout improvements
  • Colons caused descriptions to be ignored (misread as entry keys)

Features added:

  • RSS feed generation
  • New template: linkcat
  • Add nocache headers to templates
  • Report total entries on homepage
  • Add date to homepage lists
  • Descrtiptions for category pages

Plans for R3

  • Proper support of multiple configs and templates
  • Improve softcat template to closer match style of softcat
  • Implement imaging: Thumbnails and resizing using imagemagick
  • Fix any other bugs that arise


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release, perl, thransoft, rsru,

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