

No. 53 Vol. 1Since 2018 A.D.Price: 0/0d

Site Updates

Comments, finally

The website now has a comment form. I can't wait to read your thoughtful words.

This has been achieved thanks to the relatively straightforward commenting platform isso. Vielen Dank! It is essentially a self-hosted Disqus, so will require JavaScript. Now with a static blog and JS comments I truly can have my cake and eat it too.

THRAN 22/09/2024

Visual refresh

I've now introduced some new fonts to the site: Roboto, Bebas Neue and Oxygen. This was long overdue, the system fonts were ugly, inconsistent and did not fit the overall visuals. Also I fixed longstanding ugliness with the 'Articles by author' page, it now looks quite a lot more presentable. Finally added links to the Twit-O-Verse and Mastoplace, where my activities may be stalked by the curious.

THRAN 03/09/2023

New "surprise"

Scouring my site's access logs, I notice there have been many hits to supposed login pages. This is a fool's endeavour; this site is a static blog and there is no admin section to access. But I was annoyed at the repeated 404s so I decided to implement a surprise for anyone who manages to find the 'login page'. Have a good time in there!

THRAN 17/07/2023

Added uptime

Site uptime and some other stats are now viewable under technical info. This is made possible by a CGI script that fetches the details and presents them in JSON. A bit of JavaScript injects it into the page. This marks the first appearance of JavaScript on this website. I don't intend to use it for much more, and never for anything essential.

THRAN 16/04/2023

Slight tweaks to themes, icons

Favicons have been added to WMW and Thransoft. Icons were also added to the subsection links here on Thranpages. There are also pointing hands in place of the previous bullet points. All these have been lifted from older versions of a certain (in)famous software package; guesses are open!

Also the site has been clocking in a reasonable number of hits. I'm quite satisfied with how it has been doing. This place on the Internet is just a little more fun.

THRAN 30/03/2022

WMW launched

WMW is a section of the Thranpages where I share any obdurate, artistic, or otherwise distinguished web pages I've encountered whilst online.

Visit it at WMW.

I've also disclosed a contact email on the about me page.

THRAN 28/08/2021

More fixes

Fixed Open Graph stuff and added a larger site image for the opengraph 'cards', or whatever Facesbook calls them. Also fixed meta tags for descriptions so the search indexers are less confused over which parts of my site are actual content.

Images on articles now scale better for mobile screens. Also set homepage and writ top page to no-cache in browsers, meaning that when visited they will always report the latest entries. Previously the browser cached this page, thus it looked like I wasn't busy.

THRAN 09/08/2021

Added about me page

In case anyone was curious. Probably still won't answer your questions.

THRAN 15/07/2021

Getting ahead.

Vast work done to the Pelican templates. We now have many more pages working as they should. Categories, tags, some restructuring of filepaths. Renamed heading sections. Colour scheme went lights out to save on the light bill.

Pelican is so wildly hacky (in a good sense). There were some seriously questionable implementation decisions made by me, but I now have it throwing out pages in a manner keeping with my wishes. It's hardy code that can survive such abuse! Final step is to add some more images, fix the CSS to make articles more readable. And most dreaded of all: mobile support.

Update: These are now done. We have mobile support. We have better colour and text layout. We have image support. Looks well now. I declare the work finished.

THRAN 03/07/2021

Links fixed, article templates improved

Article pages weren't linking back to the homepage properly. This has now been fixed. Articles now display the author, date and date of last update. Subdomains have been restored on the old, unsecured server. So Thransoft and The Holding are available again!

THRAN 25/01/2020.

Upload to new server, SSL!

Thranpages is migrating to a new server. This one actually supports SSL, meaning connections are encrypted. All websites have been strongly encouraged to use SSL since at least 2013. I thought it was almost time that I should catch up.

For the meantime, all subdomains are unavailable. This includes Thransoft.

THRAN 18/01/2020.