

No. 50 Vol. 1Thu 05 August 2021Price: 0/0d

Slaying Rainbows

pointing finger Yarns >> Thu 05 August 2021 by Thran

Noticed this whilst on a walk.

rainbow slayer

IN_RAINBOWS was Radiohead's first album after 'going independednt', released in 2007. Slayer need no introduction. Stylistically, they're quite far apart. Anyone with a certain life experience would be understandably drawn to both.

This scene was sighted inside an abandoned building. Many years ago it was likely a busy garage, joinery, or engineering works. Though the charred walls reveal that during the years since it was all brought to naught by a fire.

Still, at some point after 2007 someone made it a gathering place. Or perhaps he was alone, and decided to scrawl his favourite record and favourite band on the wall. Even the In Rainbows letter type matches the album cover perfectly:


This scene resonated with me, for I too once found refuge in that very eerie Radiohead album, looking to find escape in an remote and forgotten place. Perhaps that is why I've found this name scrawled in a real remote and forgotten place.

Also, I count myself fortunate I emerged from such a place without having a bladed weapon directed my way.

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danders, witnessed-outside, photos,

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